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Power | Mentoring
Katarzyna Bequillard
Driven by a passion for the dynamics of human influences and interactions, I left a career at an international consulting company to become an ICF certified coach, specializing in long-term transformational coaching.
“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
Inspired by this quote by Albert Einstein, I started working with Process Oriented Psychology, which taught me to approach people without judging them. This simple attitude of deep acceptance has a unique power to transform so-called "obstacles" into beneficial opportunities for growth.
In Power Motion, Kasia will help you increase the awareness of your unconscious behaviours, feelings, beliefs, fears, and attitudes. Together, you will explore your personal power and your ability to create healthy relationships, equitable workplaces, and successful teams.
“Kasia gets to the point very quickly, comments accurately and gives tools to work with. When I listen to her I think: yes, yes, that's exactly how I feel but how she knows it?" — Marta
“It's interesting and very helpful that Kasia works with different methods. Sometimes we work more with my rational mind, sometimes with my emotions and moods, sometimes on my spirituality. The variety is wonderful." — Agnieszka
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Process-Oriented Coach
Professional Orientation:
Interpersonal Relations ∙ Conflict Management
Geneva, Annecy

Power is the capacity to impact. Its energy may be difficult to master, but it is vital to have. Good use of power is crucial to create healthy relationships, equitable workplaces, successful teams, and innovative environments.
We all have a power and we need to understand that underusing power makes as a big mess as overusing it! Self-awareness is indeed a key for successful and empowering life experience.
During this program, you will be looking for answers to three main questions: 1. How am I already influencing people? 2. What is my unique Powerprint? 3. How can I use my personal power to transform my relationships?
Join this coach in our online programmes:
Signature Group Programme
The Befrending Power Programme by Katarzyna Bequillard
Here is your 5-session plan:
Session 1: P.O. Psychology approach to Power: understanding dynamics of social, structural, psychological, and spiritual rank
Session 2: High rank/low rank – how I experience it in life, workplace and the group dynamic
Session 3: Finding my Powerprint
Session 4: Connecting with my personal inner power
Session 5: The power of diversity and rank awareness
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