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Force | Nutrition

Oksana Petersen

My journey to become Nutrition and Life Coach started many years ago when I was a supervisor in a large, fast-paced corporation. I thought I was at my peak; I worked hard and played harder, but after a while, it left me feeling emotionally and physically depleted.
Having experienced several work-related burnouts, I knew I had to make some serious changes in my life. Now, I help professionals transform their lives by prioritizing nutrition and overall health. By keeping the body healthy, mind sharp and heart happy, we can all learn to handle whatever life and work throw at us. I believe that each of us has the tools to thrive; we simply need to learn how to implement them.
Within 4ward Motion, Oksana leads the Force-Nutrition pillar, offering a refreshing approach to nutrition that encourages guilt-free eating habits that last.

“Oksana’s approach to nutrition is different and very effective. She guided me to understanding my eating behaviours which has really helped me to eat healthier and lose wight.” — Clara

“I achieved the results with her -16kg. I was fighting with extra weight after my 3 pregnancies & now I am feeling alive. She is worth all the gold on earth” — Lara


Nutrition ∙ Life & Enneagram Coach

Professional Orientation:

Nutrition Habits Transformation ∙ Stress Management ∙ Enneagram


Geneva, Switzerland





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Signature Group Programme

Welcome to the Stress-Free Nutrition Programme. Over just several weeks, we will broaden your perspective by presenting various options to identify what type of nutrition lifestyle fits you. You will learn how to uncomplicate the concept of healthy, balanced nutrition. In addition to the more apparent dangers associated with the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has been left to cope with many other health side effects. Limited social and physical activity has had severe implications for our stress levels and nutrition. It’s time to take back control of your health.

Guided by Bevel nutrition and life coach Oksana Petersen, this programme shows you how healthy eating habits can fit into your lifestyle with flexible options, positive reinforcement and long-term benefits.
Does stress dictate your diet? Have you developed disordered eating habits? Through group and one-on-one coaching, self-reflection and gained insights, you’ll learn to recognize your stress triggers, understand how to release them, and chart a new way forward towards sustained healthy living.
With us, you will eat, think, sleep, create, and experience life better. With guidance and support, you will feel powerful in your body and mind. Oksana will help you find an easy, practical and enjoyable way to discover happiness and health.

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The Stress-Free Nutrition Programme

Here's your programme agenda:

Session 1. Principles of Balanced Nutrition

Chemistry Call. Individual Follow-Up With the Coach

Session 2. Proven Stress-Free Nutrition Hacks

Group Exchange. Ask Your Questions & Learn

Session 3. Adopting New Healthy Nutrition Habits

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